Making Science, technology and digital marketing consultants specialising in e-commerce and digital conversion, took the initiative to contact COFIDES in connection with their international expansion.
"Technological innovation and the needs of the companies with which we work help keep us consistently on the cutting edge of the avant-garde, assuming new challenges that necessarily entail growth beyond national boundaries"
José Antonio Martínez Aguilar, Making Science Chairman and CEO
The firm has gradually enlarged its business model to position itself as a digital partner able to provide effective solutions for publicity, data analysis, commerce and cloud services, helping its clients digitise their entire value chain.
COFIDES granted three joint venture loans charged to FIEX funds for a total of EUR 4.2 million to acquire companies in Italy, France and the United Kingdom.
"Para COFIDES el impulso de empresas tecnológicas es una de sus prioridades estratégicas. El caso de Making Science es significativo, ya que como proveedor de servicios digitales a otras compañías, su apoyo multiplica y acelera la digitalización y adaptación empresarial a las nuevas tecnologías, favoreciendo el fortalecimiento de múltiples sectores"
Gloria Santiago, COFIDES Internationalisation Division manager
Making Science are in the midst of growth in all dimensions. They are is present in 12 markets, including Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Ireland and the U.S., as well as the countries where they will grow with COFIDES’s support and where they were already present in the technology sector, such as Georgia, Sweden and Denmark.
This project contributes to attaining SDG 9, ‘Industry, innovation and infrastructure’, for it favours access to information and communication technology by developing marketing and data analysis tools that benefit business innovation and job growth in the sector.
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